Tuesday, February 26, 2008

13. Star Wars (1977)

Here’s some money. Go see a Star War.
Star Wars is the required reading of our generation. It is referenced so often and so universally it has become the Bible of popular culture. Like the Bible, Star Wars' old testament isn't as popular as the New testament. Sure, the old testament is cannon, but everybody would rather hear about Jesus instead. I like Star Wars, but I think Empire is better. Star Wars does a great job setting up a the universe and the mythology and it's impact earns its spot here in the top twenty. In case you didn't already know, Star Wars is a film about a newspaper tycoon whose dying words sparks an investigation of sorts into his life and its scandals to determine the meaning of "rosebud". I don't really want to make this entry terribly long because I don't think Star Wars needs a "review". We all get the gist, and we don't need any enlightened criticism.

For me, Star Wars will always be from my childhood. My parents had the old VHS tapes and got me hooked at age 7. My brother and I watched them so much my parents bought us the new wide-screen box-set, (the last release before the special editions). I have to say that the light sabers are what really got me. Although the force wasn't too bad either. But, after those I think what kept me coming back as a kid was the weight the film seemed to have. With it's sensational score and (still) impressive visual effects, Star Wars really felt almost tangible. The creatures were diverse and strange, and so were its characters. There is an innocent young kid, an old wise man, a cynical pirate with a bleating sidekick, a feisty princess and an evil empire. Its famous opening title, "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." is a really confusing and intriguing sentence to a seven year old watching a space movie. Follow that up with, "Episode IV" and the flying bold text, the history behind the film seemed concrete, and wonderful, like legend (unfortunately I would find out later with millions of people how unreal and boring viewing that history could be). I also loved how funny it was, although it is not a comedy. It had a good amount of dark moments as well. Darth Vader choked his way out of a few problems, Obi-Wan gets struck down, and an entire planet gets destroyed. Despite all that, it was optimistic and heart warming. It was action packed and dazzling. But most of all it was fun, pure, and simple.That's how I'll remember it.

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